Captain Emily


Hi, my name is Emily Davies

I have been living in the South of France since 2006. From this date I ran my fathers canal boat company on the Canal du Midi with my husband, Tony. Before this, I have had many different jobs, from retail to photography, but this is the first time in my life I feel like I am doing the job I was meant to be doing.

I feel like I have found my true purpose.

In fact, it really doesn’t feel like work at all! I feel so lucky and grateful that people trust me to connect with them on this level, as I understand very well how scared we can be of ‘the unknown’.

Thanks to discovering Reiki...

I love cooking, particularly vegetarian cookery, and the fresh local produce of this region helps a lot!
I also enjoy photography, especially nature photography… again one of the reasons I was drawn to live in this beautiful area of France.

Over the last few years I have changed a huge amount of my beliefs, ways of thinking and being, and this is all thanks to discovering Reiki. I now realise myself to be way more than my thoughts, and the roles that I play in this life… mother….. daughter…… wife…… friend.

But through these roles, I can learn to observe myself, and learn to change and become aware of the parts of my personality that I would like to be different.

Reiki helps me expand my self awareness, and feel a connection and oneness, between myself and others. This enables me to help other people release the parts of themselves that are stopping them from feeling content and whole.

But through these roles, I can learn to observe myself, and learn to change and become aware of the parts of my personality that I would like to be different.

Reiki helps me expand my self awareness, and feel a connection and oneness, between myself and others. This enables me to help other people release the parts of themselves that are stopping them from feeling content and whole.

Captain Emily

How I discovered Reiki

I tried Reiki for the first time, knowing absolutely nothing about it, or even what it was! But I trusted my friend who was studying for her Reiki qualification.

I had such a huge and profound experience to this first session that it set me off on a totally new path. It was at a time in my life where, looking back retrospectively, I was very stressed but not listening to all the physical signs that my body was trying to show me. I had alopecia, insomnia, and then a couple of scary bouts of pneumonia.

I can very clearly see now, that this was my body trying desperately to tell me to slow down, and make some changes. This has taken a while, and of course is still a work in progress, with much to carry on learning.

As humans, I now feel us to be ‘a process’ rather than something finished, and the learning and changing is all part of the fun! In fact, it’s the reason we are here!

Captain Emily

How do you feel today?

Have you even had time to be still enough to actually feel how you feel today? Are you feeling tired or stressed?

Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you have physical issues that are causing you pain or discomfort?

Now, deeper, behind the more obvious surface issues, how do you feel?

Is your body trying to tell you that something needs changing?

A Reiki treatment puts you in a space of complete relaxation, allowing your body, mind and soul to heal.
It is the most important thing we can learn…… to make time for yourselves, and look after ourselves properly.

Press pause

and actually listen to what our bodies are trying to say to us….. you’ll be amazed what you can feel and discover.
A calm and inner peace you’d forgotten was even there!

If this resonates with you,