Meet my colleagues

"We work very closely together all specializing in different fields of well-being."

Over the last few years a truly incredible group of individuals with amazing talents have been drawn together.

We work very closely together all specializing in different fields of well-being.

This network of friends means that I am able to recommend someone working in anything ranging from hypnotherapy to art therapy.

There is someone for everything that might speak to you!

Alison Weller

Alison Weller: a teacher of Art, a painter and healer

I was a teacher of Art for many years and I am also a painter and healer.
My brother and I both went to Art School and often found it a very non-creative experience, with much criticism and judgemental attitudes, which of course stunt the flow of creative juices!
At a certain age too, small children begin to criticize their own previously free flowing creativity when it does not conform to the ‘norm’ of the adult world.

We can step back into that child-like innocence so that we can freely manifest again from our hearts and inner world.

“Flow, flow,
Let the energy within you flow,
Let the love within you flow,
Let your heart flow everywhere .
Be still and flow.
Flowing cleanses you.
Flowing moves you to where you want or need to be.
Flowing is the essence of Life.
Flow with the energy of life and the Cosmos,
Let your creativity flow.”

Message from the water.

A day of sacred creativity: paint from your intuition, your soul

My offering to you 🩵

is to offer you a day of sacred creativity, where you will reach inward and paint from your intuition, your soul.
It will be a safe place, with no criticism, no right or wrong, no shoulds or shouldn’ts.

Like a small child you can explore your inner world through painting freely. It will not be a lesson on how to paint or draw but a freeing of what is already within you.
Your divine imagination and creativity which you may believe does not exist, has been there all along. I will be there to encourage you every step of the way.

I can also offer you a deep, peaceful healing should you feel you need it or want it during the day.

“Shut your eyes
So the heart
May become
Your EYE
And with that vision
Look upon
Another World “


Amanda Dickson is a holistic nutritionist and clinical hypnotherapist who believes deeply in the power of the subconscious mind for healing and lasting well-being.
After years in the corporate world in London, she and her family relocated to Toronto, Canada, where she embraced her true passion for natural holistic health. While studying nutrition, Amanda noticed that many people, despite knowing what they should eat, often struggled with self-sabotage. This insight led her to explore hypnotherapy as a potential solution.

In pursuit of a deeper knowledge Amanda moved to the US to study at the American Academy of Hypnotherapy. There, she discovered transformative techniques for helping individuals change their behavior and uncover their best selves.
Now living in France, Amanda dedicates herself to guiding clients in tapping into their subconscious minds, fostering their journey toward optimal mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Amanda Dickson

Hi, my name is Jacky Mitchell. I am originally from Liverpool and moved to Glasgow in Scotland after 32 years. I am qualified in ‘The human body’ specialising in aromatherapy.
After living in Glasgow, I later moved to Abu Dhabi where I became a pre-5 teacher. We bought our house in Montouliers as a holiday home 10 years ago. Two years ago, I decided to come and live in this beautiful part of the world where I met Emily, who guided me to eventually do my Reiki training levels one and two.
I now combine my experience of aromatherapy and Reiki to give what is not just a relaxing massage, but one that heals on a very deep soul level. I really hope you enjoy it.

If you wish to book extra individual treatments with me I charge €40,- for an hour aromatherapy massage.

Jacky Mitchell and Emily Davies

Jane Griffin is a Reiki Master living in France since 2006.

A single mum to a teenage daughter and animal lover.
Jane’s passion and strong connection to nature began at a very young age and in recent years she has had the good fortune to be able to turn her passion for art and nature into work.

Discover the art of Sacred Geometry with Jane

What is it?

Sacred geometry is all around us, the patterns form the fundamental structure of life and the universe, symbolising the inseparable relationship between everything and everyone, which ultimately makes up our whole matrix and the universe at large- embodying oneness.

Sacred Geometry has been described as the blueprint of creation and the origin of all form. It is said that every natural pattern of growth or movement comes back to one or more geometric shapes.
The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snowflakes, flower petals, crystals, a shell, the stars, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms are created out of geometric codes. Sacred geometry amplifies our connection to spirit, and creates harmony within ourselves, and between ourselves and the outside world.
Sacred geometry can bring about certain effects of healing, harmonising and rebalancing on all levels. It connects the inner and outer, uniting all.
The shapes most often used in sacred geometry are the circle, the spiral, the square and the triangle

What does the workshop involve?

Jane will help you to discover the secret energy of sacred geometry. Taking the time to notice flowers, shells, pine cones, honeycombs and other natural forms you will learn about beautiful natural symmetry and geometry

After a brief introduction, we will enjoy a short gentle meditative walk in nature discovering the geometrical beauty which surrounds us. We may find flowers, leaves, pine cones to take to the workroom and using some paints, a simple compass, a ruler and art pens we will each create a sacred geometry artwork. Jane will gently guide you through the creative process to help you achieve a memorable piece to take home.

The creative process is often described as stress relieving, meditative, and relaxing. You will find that as your creation begins to take form your concentration improves, you will focus only on the process and external thoughts and influences will dissipate.

Canvases and all art supplies are provided.

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach flower remedies are a complementary treatment that are used for emotional problems and pain. They’re made out of diluted extracts from the flowers of wild plants.
Edward Bach, a medical doctor and bacteriologist, created the remedies in the early 1900s. Bach flower remedies stimulate and encourage our own healing mechanisms helping to balance the negative symptom we are experiencing with a positive attribute to bring about a subtle but effective change.
Dr Bach believed that healing negative emotions helps the body heal itself. His system contains 38 remedies that each address a specific negative emotion.
The emotions are grouped into seven broad psychological causes of illness:

  • Fear
  • Uncertainty
  • Lack of interest in the present moment
  • Loneliness
  • Over sensitivity to influences and ideas
  • Sadness or despair
  • Overcare for others at the expense of self

Jane Griffin is a fully qualified Bach Flower Practitioner. A consultation with Jane can help you find a Bach Flower combination of remedies to suit your individual emotional needs. In a secure, confidential environment, a consultation with Jane provides an opportunity for you to talk about yourself in a supportive, non-judgemental environment.
During the consultation, Jane will look for indications of emotional states which may have become out of balance. After discussing with you, a treatment bottle will be made up, containing the Flower Remedies which will help re-balance these states.

The treatment bottle will last about 3-4 weeks, during which time the Remedies will work gently and subtly. When the treatment bottle is finished, a follow-up consultation is recommended. During this, your progress is reviewed, sometimes new remedies are also indicated. This is because, once some emotional states are brought into balance, deeper lying imbalances can come to the surface. Only by treating these too, will true healing be achieved.

There are no contraindications on taking a remedy or essence.
They can be used:

  • During Pregnancy
  • With new born babies
  • For Children of all ages
  • In all types of illness – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual
  • To accelerate healing
  • Adaptation to old age
  • In the knowledge and preparation for dying

There is no limit as to when the addition of a remedy/essence may be helpful in everyday life to promote our sense of harmony and well-being, the list is endless, but here are a few examples:

  • Anxiety states
  • Feeling of losing control
  • Overwhelmed with life
  • Tiredness or lethargy
  • Sleeplessness
  • Lack of motivation, apathy
  • Generally feeling under the weather
  • Desiring calmness
  • Focus concentration
  • Helping in making decision
  • Discernment
  • Letting go
  • Grief, bereavement, sorrow
  • Forgiveness, of self and others
  • Guilt
  • Opening potential
  • Finding life path or mission
  • Healing of specific known issues
  • General well-being
  • Prevention of illness through maintaining balance and harmony
  • Symbiosis within environment e.g. home, work
  • Positive thinking
  • Acute episodes of illness
  • Managing ongoing or progressive dis-ease
  • A situation arising that in known to cause anxiety e.g. exams, flying, interviews
  • Major changes in life, e.g. moving house, changing job, divorce, bereavement
  • In preparation for procedures on the physical body, from the dentist to operations
  • Sudden shock or an accident





Johanna Ohls Stoltz is a dedicated holistic coach and energy healer specialising in empowering women.

Her passion is to guide you on your path towards your authentic self using different coaching and healing modalities, sacred rituals and transformational inner work.

You can book treatments with Johanna:

💜 Reiki healing session – 60 min
Deep relaxation and inner peace.
Regression or past life experiences.
€ 60,-

💜 Sabaaydi massage – 60 min
Deeply relaxing and purifying energy massage using warm herbal stamps and essential oils.
€ 60,-

💜 Coaching session with a short energy treatment – 90 min
Transformational coaching breaking through inner barriers with a balancing energy treatment.
€ 110,-

Johanna will also be holding the space for you during the retreat to allow you to feel safe and held throughout the retreat.

Johanna Ohls Stoltz