If you can’t find the answer to your question below, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’d be happy to answer any question you might have.

Can Reiki be used in conjunction with allopathic or conventional medicine?

Yes Reiki can be used safely in conjunction with allopathic or conventional medicine. It may help to speed up recovery times and reduce some uncomfortable symptoms, such as after surgery.

Can Reiki be combined with other forms of complementary medicine?

Reiki can complement many different forms of treatment and can often help smooth the healing process. For example after a chiropractic treatment people can sometimes feel stiff, a Reiki treatment will help a lot in releasing this discomfort.
It also works extremely well in conjunction with homoeopathy, acupuncture and counselling and can help support any healing process.

How does Reiki help with stress?

One of the primary benefits of a Reiki session is relaxation. When we relax, our muscles become less tense, and our blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate become lower. This response is the opposite of the “fight or flight” stress response.

Can Reiki help back pain?

A study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine in 2018 looked at 60 people with herniated spinal disks and found that Reiki reduced the severity of back pain and improved people’s ability to perform activities of daily living as well as a course of physical therapy.

How will I feel after a reiki session?

Every person who tries Reiki has a different experience. Your experience from session to session can vary as well. Many people report feeling a sense of calm in their bodies. Others report reduced pain or a clearer mind.
Some people say they notice old symptoms resurfacing in a sort of “healing reaction,” but those symptoms pass quickly.
I always advise my clients to drink plenty of water after a session as this keeps the energy circulating, and keeps the treatment working.

Are there any ‘unpleasant’ side effects?

Sometimes Reiki can bring up old emotional or psychological problems, so people can get upset or cry. But this is all part of the healing process, it doesn’t last, and people always feel lighter and better afterwards. Sometimes people can feel physical aggravation of an old injury or scar, but again, this doesn’t last.

How long will a Reiki treatment last?

Anywhere between 20 – 90 minutes. Your first appointment, I like to have a chat and talk through what your expectations are, and allow you to ask any questions. So a bit longer depending on how long you like to talk!

What do I wear for a Reiki treatment?

Whatever you feel most comfortable in! I’ll ask you to remove your shoes and glasses, and maybe any larger jewellery items. Also I’ll ask that you switch off your phone or put it on flight mode.

Is Reiki suitable for children?

Yes, with parental consent. Reiki is suitable for children as it is gentle and can be adapted to a child’s need for a shorter treatment.

What are ‘chakras’?

Chakra (cakra in Sanscrit) means wheel and refers to energy points in your body. These points correspond to different nerves, organs, emotions, and if they become ‘blocked’ they affect our physical and emotional wellbeing.

Does Reiki work on animals?

Yes. All living beings are made up of the same energy or ‘life force’ so it works in exactly the same way for you as it does for your pet!