Soul purpose_sunrise reflection in the canal

What is my souls’ purpose in this body at this time? 

There are 4 stages to understanding.

First stage

To realise and accept that you are a complete, perfect soul, in a human body. That you are pure unconditional love. You came from Source, the infinite sea of divine energy from which everything in the universe is created. Everything that exists comes from here. Everything is divine.
When we realise that we are this energy of creation, we realise that we can create our own universe by what we put out into it. When we are acting from a place of hate, fear, judgement and separation, this is what we manifest more of in the world. We add to it, by choosing to feel it ourselves. Then we spread it with our every interaction.
When we choose to send love out with no motive other than the feeling of it, we receive love back. We become love itself, as well as becoming the channel that love passes through. An instrument, with a purpose of spreading healing love and positive energy.

Stage 2

Realise there is only now. 

Learn to feel everything in the present moment. Let your outside perfectly mirror your internal state. Learn to feel and understand when you are acting from your ego. When you feel this, accept it without judgement, then put your awareness on the fact that you are a soul, and that the conditioning that created your ego is not the truth. It is only what has wrongly become, your truth.
Your truth is not ‘the’ universal truth. It is just part of the story you have chosen to help you learn. When something hurts, causes fear or anxiety, or makes you feel lacking in any way…….. Communicate this feeling rather than (re)acting. You are already acting your chosen role. Try to see when you are acting within that role and allow your true feelings to be felt, not suppressed.

Stage 3

Break habits and patterns of conditioning. This is one of the most important methods. It is fear that keeps us in these habitual cycles. Our ego tricking us into feeling we have some control. In truth, it is preventing us from realising Stage 1. Each time we choose our habit or addiction, we decide that we know better than the higher wisdom of the entire universe. We create a false feeling of safety and security, that is actually blocking the flow of life.
As we break these habits, with patience, love and understanding of why we created them, we let go bit by bit, of our ego selves, making space within us. This space will automatically be filled with our true soul essence. 

Stage 4

Create. Manifest the reality you would like. Tune into the higher power and ask for guidance. Know and trust implicitly that you are safe, protected and part of a much bigger picture that you can not possibly understand. Follow this intuition with complete faith. Ask for help…… From those around you and from God. Ask to be shown. Ask for signs. Listen, feel and sense what is outside of your ego self.
All the answers are there waiting for you, in nature, and in every single human interaction. They are also you. You are connected to everything in existence. You are connected to everyone that has ever, and will ever exist. You are ‘them’ and ‘they’ are you, just with a different role and different conditioning. Work towards unity of humankind. 

These stages are not in any order. You will skip from one to the other. Enjoy the skipping!
The song of life is to be listened to and enjoyed. That is its purpose. In feeling the joy, that is what you will spread. Life is not to be taken too seriously. See the funny side.

Take time to notice the awesome details of what has been created in the world around you. And try to accept that the suffering and injustice you see, is the necessary ‘other side of the coin’. We can not have one without the other. As humans, our intellect is not sufficient to comprehend the bigger picture, but if we play our part by following these stages, we feel ourselves becoming happier, calmer and more full of love. We feel ourselves coming home.