Last night I dreamt I was a ribbon of seaweed
Dancing and swaying as the tides shifted around me
In complete harmony with,
And moved entirely,
by my environment
No control of which way to sway
No wanting or yearning for anything Other than ‘to be’
I feel everything
I feel the vast blue silent underwater world all around me
360 degrees
Encircled by life
I am pushed
I am pulled
I am content
I have no alternative other than to go with
Go with the swell
Go with the waves
Let my form be moved
I can not remain rigid
I can not push against
I can not decide anything
I feel shoals of tiny silver fish brush past me
It sends tingles of electricity from my tip right down to my roots
It tells me I am alive,
and part of something bigger
I am important
I am beautiful
I move gracefully
To find some stillness I feel my roots
They are numerous, fine like thread weaving and moving each individual grain of sand as I push deeper into the earth.
I do not push the grains out of my way, but more, we move together, each allowing the other space to be.
We dance together
Weave around each other
Make space for each other
Each microscopic growth moves the grain next to me, and that invites the grain next to them, then to them
A chain reaction
The ripple spreading
Spreading roots, shifting sands
Every one of your thoughts or actions has this same effect
They ripple out from us
And are felt by all around us
Learn from me
Listen to, and move with your environment
Do not remain still, stagnant, holding
Let nature around you show you how, where, when to move.
But keep moving
Keep growing
Keep making space for all those around you
Wiggle, flow, undulate
Be soft, fragile, delicate
Be one with your environment
And remember the dance of life