Plane tree message

I am connected. To all life. My roots spread way beyond their physical form, as do yours. I hear everything without ears. I see everything without eyes. The wind enables me to dance, and my leaves to sing. This makes me feel intense aliveness and oneness. I am aware...


Can you look at your shadow? Can you stand in front of the mirror and face the darker aspects of your being? Can you see the anger, the fear, the jealousy? Can you accept the bitterness, the hopelessness, the feeling of unworthiness? Can you stare down the envy,...


The more you believe in others, the better they can be. The more you expect of others, the more they will find within themselves to give. The more love and compassion you have towards others, the more you show them they really are lovable and worthy. The more you see...

Cedar Tree wisdom

The ancestral winds of time are about to change direction. You, as an individual can alter the course humanity is currently on. When you can learn to stop punishing yourself and repeating the patterns in which you are trapped, you will see the human race also stop...

Soul purpose

What is my souls’ purpose in this body at this time?  There are 4 stages to understanding. First stage To realise and accept that you are a complete, perfect soul, in a human body. That you are pure unconditional love. You came from Source, the infinite sea of...

Thoughts and beliefs

What is the message from physical pain, irritation or resistance to action or inaction? It is your body showing you when you have resistance to a situation. When you are not in the flow. When your rational mind/ego is telling you something that isn’t the...