The ancestral winds of time are about to change direction. You, as an individual can alter the course humanity is currently on.

When you can learn to stop punishing yourself and repeating the patterns in which you are trapped, you will see the human race also stop punishing each other. It is that simple.

Free your own soul.

Free the world.

Accept the wisdom of the trees.

The current situation of your planet is not a problem external to you. You are all connected, just like us. You are a mirror. You can not attribute blame to ‘others’.

Cedar tree of wisdom

Stop doing the same things you have always done and try something new.

Something uncomfortable, which you have great resistance to doing. It needs to be difficult.
If you feel that humankind is heading in a direction that is destructive, then there is your mirror.

You are destroying your own souls path by choosing to stay in your pain. Courage is necessary. Acceptance is necessary.
See where you are repeating the same patterns and expecting a different outcome. One human soul is all it takes to change the collective.

If this internal work is done with courage and a pure heart, then you can be the centre of a ripple that spreads across the whole planet.
If you do not like what you see when you read your newspapers, learn to like what you see when you look in the mirror.
If you feel humankind needs more love and compassion towards each other……. Learn to have love and compassion for yourself. It is very simple.

If you see conflict and war on your planet, learn to find peace within yourself. The mirror reflects in both directions. Shine out to those around you. Show only peace, love and acceptance to all. There are no mistakes. None. If you are alive now, it is for a reason. You have chosen your karma, and forgotten. This is the way.

You can stop countries warring by stopping your own internal war. Accept and surrender. Hold up the white flag. Throw down your weapons…. The tools you have been relying on to distract yourself from your souls truth.

Your habits are weapons you are using against yourself.

Throw them away. Destroy them and start anew. Then you will see. The change can only happen on an individual level. You are all so important, and have enormous creative potential.

Stop resisting.

Stop questioning.

Stop replaying the same stories and patterns.

Be and act towards yourself, as you wish to see those around you behaving. You can change your world. Starting with the tiniest changes to the way you are living. Like a child taking their first steps, not knowing if they will fall.
Righteousness is a dangerous and isolating place to live. Trust in something greater. There is only now.

Today……… Now in this moment. Decide not to do the thing you always do. Follow the guidance of your soul and do something difficult, which you have the great resistance to doing.
You will be rewarded and receive confirmation instantly, so that you can make your next choice….. Then your next… Then your next.

Be reborn.

Start again.

Do it slowly if you need to, but change one thing per day. Make one decision differently and with love towards yourself. Become an example and a catalyst and watch your inner work spread outwards infinitely.