Keep looking towards the light. Fill all your senses with it. Feel it in everything and everyone. In every situation. There is always light.
Creating space inside us allows the light to come in. We create this space by putting our awareness on the dark. Looking at it with love and without fear or judgement.
Stare right into the darkest parts of your soul. Shine a loving spotlight on it. Give it nowhere to hide.
Tell everyone. Share your darkest thoughts and fears with the right person. Keep no secrets. Secrets give power and space to the darkness. An invitation to stay.
Share. Trust. Be open. Be vulnerable.
Allow others in. You still free yourself and you will free them.
We are all the key to unlocking our own prison. But it usually takes another to see this key, and show it to us.
We are looking for something separate and external. We are looking in the wrong place.
This key is the inner most part of our own being. To unlock the self created cage. The illusion of being a body with a soul inside. We are not inside this body. We are outside of it.
We are everywhere. In everything. Go into the space between worlds in order to travel and feel the truth. This is the space of creation. We are beings of creation.
Wherever we put our awareness, this is what we attract.
It is very simple. Choose the light. Choose love.
Choose to see it all around you, and you will.
You are the key and the lock. You can change the shape of either to make them fit perfectly together as one.