Can you look at your shadow?

Can you stand in front of the mirror and face the darker aspects of your being?

Can you see the anger, the fear, the jealousy?

Can you accept the bitterness, the hopelessness, the feeling of unworthiness?

Can you stare down the envy, neediness, vanity, loneliness, the feeling of lack?


Experiencing life as a human being is messy.

We are a jumble of emotions all existing at once. So often we pick and choose which of these emotions to feel. We don’t allow the messy ones space as we judge them to be bad, or that the feeling of them makes us a bad person. It doesn’t.

It makes us a person. A human being. There are no emotions not to feel. It is the feeling of them that frees us from them. It is the suppressing of them makes us become them.

If we suppress anger, we decide to keep it inside us. Invite it to stay. Then invite it to attract more anger our way. More situations to trigger that hidden part of us.

Look at all of yourself with acceptance and understanding. You could not have been or acted any differently to get you to arrive at this moment.

But now you are willing to accept all sides of yourself, the light and the dark, you can choose which to follow.

Everything had to be just as it was. You were not aware before, so there is no blame. Now your awareness is different, so you can create change within yourself. In this moment. Which is all that exists.

Accept your own, and every persons’ shadow. Understand there have been many reasons which have lead to its existence.

Now take responsibility for your path. Step into the mirror…. Into your darkness….. Then just keep moving through it. Always forward……. Don’t stop…….. And you will step through it into the light. Into love.

Love for yourself, and for others. More shadows will come, walk with courage towards them, into them, and through them….. Again and again….. Keep feeling everything.

The more you do this, the less harshly your will judge yourself. Then the less you will judge others. Stop looking outside of yourself, stop blaming others, and start feeling what’s inside.

Everything in your life right now is a mirror of your own internal state of being. Change what you can, with as much love as possible. Bit by bit. One decision at a time. Love not fear. New not old. Expanding, not staying stuck. Being one, not separate. Being free, not emancipated.

Knowing yourself, fully and completely, and feeling love and compassion for all of it.