We are hardly ever here. We are missing life. We are trapped in thought, either reliving the past or creating/imagining the future.

The present moment is the rarely visited, and most beautiful place, in between. A bridge between two illusory places. Past and future. A liminal space where transformation and transition are possible.

A waiting room, between one point in space and time, and another. But we are either pulled back, or pushed forward by our ego.

The pull into thought is so strong, and so unconscious, we don’t even realise there is an alternative place to be. A beautiful place. A place of possibility. A place of pure creation. A place where we choose the thoughts, they do not choose us. A place of freedom. Where past and future cease to exist, and


there is only NOW

Our soul is crying out to be present. To not miss the now. It is a rare place to be. Outside thoughts. Outside our concept of time. Because it is just a concept. Everything that is unfolding around us is a message from our soul. A wake up call. We are screaming to ourselves…..’Look at this’…..’Feel this!‘……Stop and really notice….. Life is happening around you, and you are somewhere else.

This prison of thought is invisible. You can’t see it when you’re in it. That’s why we need a friend. A friend can give you the answer, when you don’t know it yourself. Or rather you do know it, but you don’t know you know it! You have forgotten. You needed confirmation, and when you hear the truth from outside yourself, the feeling of remembering is undeniable. A resonance. Shivers running up and down your spine, swelling emotions inside you, goosebumps….a smile, tears…… You just KNOW. Sometimes you’re not even sure what you know. The knowing is a feeling of truth, of rightness, of everything’s going to be ok. Of love. Of coming home.

Life is a game

Let’s change the rules by which we have been unknowing playing. Instead of surviving and getting to the finish line, collecting objects, memories, prizes that make us feel good for a second ….. Not stopping, not seeing, not accepting. Constantly planning and visualising our next move, and all it’s potential repercussions. What if now we choose not to make a move? The game is over. Do not make the move you always make. Do something different. Do ANYTHING different.

Change is absolutely vital to waking up and seeing the old game for what it is. A trap. Doing something new and different enables us to be fully awake in the now. Breaking the habits and patterns that have kept you trapped, will free you. Perhaps choose to do nothing. No reaction. Wait, watch, see and accept everything around you without wanting to change anything. It’s not your place to change it anyway. The control you think you have is just part of the game. Let it go. Let it be. Stop pushing, forcing and controlling. Stop thinking you know what is best, and how everything should be around you.

What if everything is exactly as it’s meant to be?

Don’t wait for external circumstances to be different. Start noticing, allowing and surrendering. This new game is so much more enjoyable! Less tiring. Amazing and unexpected synchronicities will start happening all around you. You will have more energy. Feel lighter. More joyful and hopeful. You will start to realise your true potential. You still start truly living, rather than merely surviving. But with your soul in the driving seat, instead of your ego. In the now, you are already free.