I am connected. To all life. My roots spread way beyond their physical form, as do yours.

I hear everything without ears. I see everything without eyes. The wind enables me to dance, and my leaves to sing. This makes me feel intense aliveness and oneness.

I am aware of every individual leaf that grows on me, falls from me, and lies on the ground surrounding me. It’s physical form dead, but my spirit still remains within it.

When it has completely decomposed my spirit merges with the earth. As my gold and orange leaves lie on the autumn ground, I feel the wind whip them back to life and create a mini tornado. Then put them back to rest on the ground.

Where do my roots end and my trunk begin? My trunk end and my branches begin? Another merging. Another ‘in between’.

Plane tree message

Everything flows from one thing to another.

When the wind becomes quiet, the river sings to me. I drop one of my leaves onto her surface, and watch it be carried away downstream. Slowly at first, then faster until I get at l pulled under. I will either resurface and continue my journey, or merge with, and become the river.

As you look at me, you see 2 trees, merged together as one. You call us different names, see us as different ‘species’ because you see differences between us. The shape of our leaves, the texture of our trunks. We do not feel this. We are one, as are you. We are beyond words and labels…. As are you.
Stop seeing yourselves as separate. What one of you thinks or does, affects all. The 3 dimensional life you call reality, is simply a curriculum your soul has chosen in order for you to awaken. This beautiful, contrasting universe can not and should not be explained in your words. It is to feel not intellectualise. You are allowing your ‘rational’ minds to work against you, leading you far from your soul’s highest path.

Thinking will not enable you to remember……. Only feeling.

As you are one, you are also unique. As are we. It is our differences that make us. My scars make me beautiful. They tell my story. But they are also only the very surface of what I am. My spirit and inner wisdom are what flows through me. If you are quiet and still with me, you will hear the life force flowing through my trunk and branches, just as it flows through you. Information flowing through me. All the stories. All the knowing. All the love.
Our physical form is only to allow us to feel and experience. It is the smallest part of what we are. We are the same you and me. Only I do not try to keep my leaves from falling from my branches. I do not fear or feel sadness when my physical form dies and I become the earth. Human beings fear this merging because they do not know what it is. They think it is a loss but it is actually a becoming. It is not be feared, it is not an end, it is a reunion.

Raindrops begin to fall on me. Each one, like a gentle kiss. As you sit on my truck and rest your cheek on my branch, I feel your energy connect with mine. You can enter my realm. I can talk to you if you are still enough. No thoughts. No words. Very quiet. Only being. Like me. Wrap your arms around me, and feel me wrap my branches around you. Becoming one.

Close your eyes. Rest your head on me, and let me show you your own roots. Your ancestors. They moved. They flowed like the river. They followed the seasons. They respected the land and made beautiful offerings to the trees. We gave them shelter and food in return. It was equal and balanced. Now, you have forgotten. You take and forget to give. Do not be sad. Just change. Remember, love and honour us. We are your brothers and sisters. If you need any guidance or signs, just ask. We will show you.