What is the message from physical pain, irritation or resistance to action or inaction?

It is your body showing you when you have resistance to a situation. When you are not in the flow. When your rational mind/ego is telling you something that isn’t the universal truth and it creates a feeling that is ‘negative’.
When you judge yourself. When you do not love yourself. When you do not trust the higher power and it’s infinite wisdom. When you are not learning or evolving and are repeating a habitual thought pattern.

For the pain or irritation to stop, watch this inner voice, rather than believe it.

What is a belief?

A thought you have accepted as a personal truth.

Walk on the beach_lost in thoughts

How do I change a belief?

Watch every thought from the perspective of your soul/higher self. See this thought stream as something external that you have the choice to not step into. Watch it flow by and do not allow it in. Feel the emotions created by the self judgement, and if they are negative, they are untrue. Creation of negative emotions within yourself is the key to knowing when to reject the information.
When you feel resistance to doing something, this is the time to watch the thoughts rather than inviting them in. Talk to the resistance within yourself for it is your ego. Ask it why the resistance is there. What is it showing you?

You will be resisting allowing the universe to unfold around you as it is meant to. Not trusting the higher power. Trying to steer or control life, instead of following and trusting. Decide to trust it. Choose to surrender to it. Let go of the need to try and control, as the control you think you have is illusion.

How to know whether your are following your inner voice/intuition or following an untrue personal belief?

If you are following your inner voice you will feel yourself to be in a state of love and trust. If you are following an untrue belief, you will be experiencing fear that is designed to show you where you are stuck.

What is fear?

Fear is a gift. A blessing. When we feel it, this is the moment we have to choose. Really allow yourself to feel the fear deeply. Dive right into the feeling to its absolute depths, right to the bottom, and then underneath.
From here you can ask yourself what exactly is it that your are scared of, and you will receive the answer from your soul. When you receive an answer, for example fear of rejection, humiliation, abandonnent, go deeper.
Ask why that fear is there. Usually at the very deepest level the answer will be you do not feel good enough, not worthy, not lovable, not complete. Now you are in your ego side, which is never the truth of your soul.

What is your soul’s truth?

You are pure divine unconditional love which does not judge or discriminate. You are part of the one. An expression of Source that has chosen the experience of being human in order to learn, remember and create.